Violence/aggression in 11 month old?

Kyrstin • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 🦓 Navy wife 💙 MomMom to 2 little boys


I need help, I feel like such a bad mom right now.

My 11 month old son, Zane, has started to hit, pull hair, scratch, & bite when he doesn’t get what he wants or he is angry.

I’ve never done the cry it out method, I’ve never hit my child, my child has never seen any one get hit (as far as I know). My mom did smack his hand at 8 months old and I told her to never lay a hand on my child again. I am not a huge fan of spanking, I think it impends on the trust we have built. My mom is a HUGE spanking advocate, I hate it. I understand children need punishment, but she smacked my sons hand at 8 months old!

It started two weeks ago. I was putting his shirt on and he growled and gave me a rude look then reached up and yanked my hair. I was shocked so I pulled his back (obviously not the way I want to go about things and it was stupid 🤦🏼‍♀️) HE LAUGHED. I have tried a very stern “NO THAT HURTS MOMMY” he does not care. He knows 4 words in sign language and “hurt” is one of them. He used to stop when I signed that he was hurting me but now it doesn’t phase him, he is doing it strictly out of anger. I have tried sitting him down and walking away. I have tried completely ignoring the behavior. I am teaching him empathy with his Cookie Monster stuffed animal.

But it keeps getting worse. He has always had a bad temper. Ever since he was born. Now I’m stuck. I am afraid to let him around my friends kids because if they take his toy he is probably going to attack them 😩 he was such a sweet loving baby until a couple of weeks ago.

I need ideas on how to teach him that you can’t hit because it’s not nice and it hurts. I also need ideas on how to teach him how to better express his emotions. I know he is young but I want to start early and address it as soon as possible.

And how do I get my mom to respect my parenting wishes 😕🙃

Judge me all you want rude comments don’t get to me