LH FSH levels

I’m confused and just need some direction. Okay, so to start I have 3 kids from previous marriage. Never tried to conceive any of them. In fact was on birth control with my first two. My youngest is 11. Now fast forward my current husband and I have been trying for 3 years. One dr said I possibly have pcos so I have been on spironolactone. I went to see another dr last week had labs run and she does not believe I have pcos. She said everything came back normal. Testosterone level was at 31. FSH was 6.2 and LH was 20.2. I was on about cycle day 15 at the time of labs. However I started early on cycle day 18. I used to have 28 day cycles but last couple months have been starting sooner with no symptoms. Are these numbers good for conceiving? I am currently 34 and just feel the time crunch to figure things out. Scared this is early menopause since cycles coming closer and no longer have cramps, sore breasts, etc that I used to get before cycle.

Reason for original dr visit was thinning hair and acne. Which is why he thought pcos. Please help.