Seriously getting worried.


They told me that my fluid was considerably low yesterday(high risk so only ultrasounds). They messaged my regular ob to do another check today or tomorrow but I just called and he still hasnt seen the message. I've drank a gallon of water since then but I've still had cramping and dizziness. My BP and protein levels were good and I'm hydrated. I'm set to induce Sunday at 38 weeks because of my autoimmune bloodclotting disorder that can cause still birth. The blood flow "seems fine" from what they can see in the ultrasound but they did note a few weeks ago that the placenta is fairly larger than it should be. I'm worrying myself sick. Can any one please give me advice? I haven't been seen by my regular ob in 2 and a half weeks. I've never had a cervical check so I dont even know if I'm dialated or my water is dripping.