So much anxiety

My baby girl was born a week ago. While being at home I get super paranoid about her not being able to breath while in a rock and play, a boppy lounger, etc. I am with her while she is in those things, but she bas a chubby face and it looks like it’s all scrunched up against her neck and chest all of the time. My mom told me she’s totally fine and to just relax, and that these things are built at an angle for babies to sit in them and breathe.

Today I took her out in the car seat for the first time and I felt an unreliable amount of anxiety take over because she is in the back while I’m driving and I’m scared she won’t be able to breathe while in the car seat.

Is anyone else struggling with the same anxieties? Any ideas on how to cope with them? I read that there are free car seat inspections in my area and I might go to that for peace of mind.