
Hi all! I just wanted to share my recent experience with back pain. Long story but I hope it will help someone else in a similar situation... I am over 300lbs and 20 weeks pregnant with my first. I have had back issues on and off over my life. About a month ago I started getting some lower back pain so I started visiting a chiropractor to get things taken care of. After a few weekly appts things started feeling better so I thought I was in the clear and that regular chiro visits would keep me going... but then this past weekend it got really bad. I was in extreme pain and could not find relief in any position. I had to leave work early yesterday because I couldn't take it. I called my OB to ask what to do and she recommended the usual ice, heat, tylenol and suggested trying a chiropractic or physical therapy. I was so upset...clearly she did not realize how bad it was and I didn't know if I could handle the pain long enough for PT to start working. I wanted some relief immediately. I have a high pain tolerance and history of back issues and this was just extreme. Ice, heat, and tylenol were doing nothing. Had been trying to do some stretches , got massages from my dear husband. No relief. I contemplated going to the ER, but couldn't think of what they could do to help. After a sleepless, painful night I called a local PT this morning and they got me in within a few hours. After one hour long appt my pain is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced! I am so surprised and relieved. I was sure that it was not going to really help. At least not right away. I am signed up for appts twice a week for the foreseeable future and I am so happy and relieved that this seems to be helping. Thank God for physical therapy! I hope if anyone else goes through severe back pain, they see this and try out PT ASAP!