Rant sorry

I’m so glad I found this group ttc 1.5 years 2x ops on tubes currently on 9th round of clomid. I’m so fed up my 8 year old SS is a spoilt little brat my partner has him half the time we had to take his ex to mediation because she thought she could dictate contact & demand money. He gets anything he wants if he can’t he cries/sulks then gets it. So things like having his tv on all night, being allowed to play Xbox when he wants or eat what he wants mainly junk. He’s rude & disrespectful to me. He tells me he can make his dad mad at me. He plays myself & partner off against each other constantly comes in & wakes me 4-5 times a night for stupid reasons like pillow isn’t comfy or he needs his Xbox on & tv. I’m so stressed and sleep deprived my partner says I’m being dramatic but when I’m denied sleep it makes me feel ill then I have to go to work full time. If my partner tells him off he says he wants to go back to his mums who on other occasions he says he wants to live with his dad because his mum doesn’t look after him or do things with him. He knows if he says that my partner will get scared he won’t come see him. I’m so pissed because he’s the reason we cannot get <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> funding then he behaves like this ! His ex lied about contraception to deliberately trap my partner but also his fault for not wrapping it. It’s so hard I love my partner so much and our relationship is happy when his son isn’t here. I don’t love his son but I do care but when he behaves like a spoilt brat I resent him.