I thought it was just braxton hicks..

Hello ladies so i wanted to share my experience with you all. It started Friday morning hubby and i got invited to his best friends baby shower and went out to pick them out a gift we went to a few different stores had lunch and went home i felt sore but brushed it off because i was 33 weeks so i figured its part of the pregnancy thang. Saturday comes and we drive an hr down to his friends baby shower and it was a typical fun day his parents live in the area so we spent the night and had a little bon fire, then Sunday morning what i thought was the ordinary Braxton hicks started i woke up freshened up and felt like poop cramps so i didn't think much and went back to lay with hubby i kept tossing and turning and i then started to vomit and the pain started to become intolerable so we rush to the nearest hospital and i go straight to L&D they hook me up and these were the real thing the good thing was i Wasn't dilating but baby was definitely head down they kept me over night to monitor the contractions and i got 2 rounds of steroids to help our little guy's lungs mature in case of a emergency, luckily the medication they had me hooked onto did its work and we get to have our baby boy bake a little longer i must admit the medication was definitely not a fun ride but anything for our little boy so if you ever question your Braxton hicks don't hesitate to go we had a awesome team of nurses and they said you can come in for the 10th time and they stopped our pre mature labor just on time . I guess no more baby showers for me lol