I hate myself

I’m in my caravan and there was mould everywhere. I didn’t want to breath in the spores or for my brother to get ill so I ask my stepdad to clean it up.

He tells me to do it myself

I do it, but ruin my hoodie with the bleach, it’s a Manchester United one it’s super cute retro style and I can’t find a single one online to replace it.

My mom is so mad, she’s not here but I was texting her and she knows I’ve ruined it. I’m so so mad at myself I’m crying and I just want to die. I’m such a nuisance and I’m always in the way of everything and anything I try to do to help I always end up fucking things up and making everything worse and everyone else stressed and mad. Ugh idk what to do with myself I feel so out of place all the time and I’m so judgemental and jealous of everyone at school I’m such a mess.