New job advice, coffee shop experiences. Advice and experience needed!🤔🥴


I’m currently 16, will be 17 in a month (not sure if this makes a difference) but the job I currently have is shit. I’m a currier and feel like I get mistreated and ran over. They dump others jobs on me and expect me to finish it all when time clearly doesn’t allow it. There is a crazy amount of stress and I’m tired of feeling like my day is ruined every time I pull up to this place. It even contributed to my depression episode I recently had a few weeks ago. I just got over being depressed and I feel like I would be a lot happier now with a new job. I’m thinking of applying at 2 small, local coffee shops, dunkin doughnuts, and 2 local ice cream shops. I love coffee and I think I would enjoy serving ice cream as well. I am kind of shy but after getting my first job I’ve opened up a lot and actually enjoy talking to strangers. I don’t have any experience in any of these jobs. Has anyone worked in a local coffee shop, dunkin doughnuts, or ice cream shops? I heard Starbucks is a VERY stressful job so I’m hoping that a smaller coffee shop would be a little less stressful and easier to get the hang of. I’m going to do my fair share of research before applying and think my decision over well because I’m not good with change and want to make the best decision for me at this time. I don’t think right now is the best time to get a new job because my boyfriend just moved and got a new job as well, so with my schooling and work it’s already hard to find time to see him. But I’m definitely throwing out options and looking around for when I feel the best time is to change jobs. Any advice, experiences, or help at all would be so much appreciated.