Moms who still have “colicky” babies ....
Our son (second child) has what the Dr has been calling colic.... for 3.5 ish months. We have literally tried EVERYTHING (drops of ALL kinds- gripe water, probiotic, lactase enzyme drops, a daily bath routine, windis, bicycling legs, constant breastfeeding, holding him all night, white noise of all kinds, keeping a diary on food / sleeping, new sleeping arrangements, expensive bassinets, cutting dairy, lavender soap, the list goes on and on and NOTHING helped). FINALLY we decided to try Nutramigen formula while I pump to see if he has an allergy to something in my milk (besides dairy that I cut), and he’s literally a different baby just a day later. No more fussing, he slept the longest he ever has last night (he was doing 1-2 hrs and did 4 hours consistently), he’s smiling, he doesn’t have diarrhea anymore this morning.
I’m not kidding when I tell you I felt like I was in hell for months. I couldn’t think, sleep, or be the mom I wanted to be. I was breastfeeding him but couldn’t bond easily or enjoy him because his constant screaming made me feel like a useless mom who couldn’t comfort or help her baby. I felt alone in the world, I couldn’t take him places and no one really wanted to visit or watch him because he cries CONSTANTLY (especially at night). And it wasn’t just a cry, it was clear he was in pain.
If you’re struggling with a colicky baby still and have tried it all- please consider trying this formula, even for a day. It might change your life too. 💗
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