Women, maintain your value

The struggle is real when you like a guy and you want to see where it's going. You text him and call and make the first move but you're getting nothing back? He's made you a second option, flakes, stands you up, contacts you last minute? Tells you you're clingy/too much? He's "not into" relationships? Nah. He just ain't interested.

Please, ladies, can we stop making excuses for why a man is ignoring us, for why he can never schedule you in, for why he only hits you up late at night.

I've seen a lot of posts on here where women are putting in all the effort and getting nothing back and essentially allowing a man to walk all over them. I've been there before and it's so easy to make excuses for them but, seriously, take the advice I wish I'd taken all those times: HE ISN'T INTERESTED. Trust me, from one woman to another, if a man is into you, YOU'LL KNOW ABOUT IT.

Girls, you are worth so much more than some guy who half asses it all the time. #staysingle #waitfortheone #maintainyourhighvalue