New School (high school)

In september I started a whole new district and on top of that it was 9th grade. I have had a hard time getting use to the school and the people and I still am, but I did make some new friends. Two of the friends that I made are also new to the district but seemed to have a easier transition. And everytime I try and hang out with them outside of school they are always "busy" and it's starting to feel like they don't want to hang out with me. Well the point is my 9th grade year is not what I expected it to be, I feel lonely and I just miss my old friends but it seems like they all are having a easy transition into high school and I'm not. My sister started a new school to (5th grade) and she seems to have more friends than me and I'm starting to think that my parents don't think I have any friends. This school year is almost over but what can I do to get more involved in my school and make more friends next year.

(Sorry this is so long, I just feel like I have no one else to talk to).