Idk bro, help me out here🍰

I need flirting advice.

This guy and I broke up around 4 months ago (we are still super good friends because he's a cool dude).

There have been certain points where I feel like I could use some help moving on a little bit, because he tends to flirt with me sometimes and I end up reciprocating a little bit.. which I know doesn't help me out.

Anyways, I've been trying to get out there a little bit, without rushing or forcing anything, of course, but just checking out my options if that makes sense, partially because I want to and partially to help me move on more.

The problem is, I don't know the first thing about flirting or asking for someone's number, let alone determining if they are someone I could really see myself with and enjoy being around to the extent of partnership.

Would love comments/advice 🍲