I’m actually cheating

So my SO and I have been doing this about a year, and in that time we have had less sex and interaction besides when I “cheat”.

Recently I’ve been feeling very neglected and started talking to an old FWB who was also a good friend of mine. He sleeps around A LOT but is honestly a great guy.

I told him my boyfriend and I were having issues and how he won’t touch me and other things, and he can not fathom why he would treat me this way.

Tonight I sent him a picture of what I wore on my SOs birthday to get fucked, and it never happened.

And this boy went crazy hyping me up and telling me how hot I looked. I sent more, not realizing he would take it far, and now he’s kinda sexting me...

It feels great getting attention from a guy who cares about me. My SO has been so absent in our relationship and seems to take me for granted.

I feel like I’m actually cheating on him, and it feels gross, but... I like feeling loved...