35 weeks preggo & work

Opinions? Advice? Should i find a New job?

So my job (store, really nice pay,I am the ONLY pregnant woman there )hired me knowing i was pregnant that I had restrictions and was having pregnancy complications. They were still very eager to hire me because of my work history and management skills. They told me there has never been an emergency they couldnt cover and that they were happy to work around anything that could happen with me. Since then,the manager that hired me and reasurred me all of that, has quit. And the store manager thats left came up with a new point system to help them fire people that abuse how often they call in and come in late etc. They cracked down on breaks paid and unpaid, clock in times, clock outs, call ins, leaving early, and emergencies (family or hospital). You get a point for all of those things and after so many points you're fire. Period. Totally understandable. Especially for the lazy workers that couldnt care less about their jobs. It'll help sort them out. But it effects me really bad because of all the emergencies I've been having.

Ive been in and out of the hospital for about 5 months due to pregnancy complications, the flu,and slipping on ice. And then my 92 year old grandmother was in the hospital and I had to be there for her (they cpuld have fired me on the spot, I was going to be there for my gramma no matter what)

But I am super close to reaching maximum points before being fired and I think It's bullshit that they can do that to a pregnant woman? Especially when I get Drs notes and was hired being told i would be excused in those cases.. In my state pregnant woman and disabled people are suppose to be protected by specific laws for these instances..

My husband wants me to quit. I'm willing to ride it out until i get fired or until baby comes.

What do you think??????