Tylenol for babies


I just literally had a woman tell me to stop listening to my doctor. ( she has no medical background other than good old google )

After getting shots my mom always have us anti-inflammatory or Tylenol. Now this poor babe has a slight fever and her leg is a little sore. So I call the doctor and they say give her Tylenol. Cool that’s what I thought but just wanted to confirm with a medical professional. Then this woman...gave me the biggest lecture telling me by giving my daughter Tylenol I’m increasing her chance of getting autism!!! So of course I was like great first it was the shots giving autumn now it’s the infant Tylenol. I asked her for her where she “researched” that from and she sent me a google article that wasn’t even written by a doctor. I’m sorry but if my daughter didn’t feel good after shots and I watched for a more serious reaction and nothing other than a fever and leg soreness. I’m giving her Tylenol.