Can't get wet

Me and my boyfriend both have very very high sex drives and can go round after round, only problem is that i can't ever seem to get wet🙄 we've tried so so many different things to try and make it happen and it just won't, and i mean NOTHING is working. The only way we can have sex is if i give him head or if he gives me head first that way there's a little bit of wetness but if not it can't happen because i can't get wet. It's not only an issue because we have high sex drives but it's also causing him to think that i don't find him sexually attractive anymore, which is so so untrue. I've tried explaining to him that it's normal for it to be harder to get some women wet because all of our bodies are different but it isn't helping, he's really starting to think i don't find him sexually attractive or that he doesn't please me anymore. It also probably isn't helping that i've been cutting down the sex to maybe once a week if that BECAUSE i can't get wet. It's causing a really big issue and i don't know what to do.....any advice?