I don’t want to cheat & don’t want to leave.

What do I do about my marriage? I love my husband and he’s a great father. I don’t want to cheat on him and I don’t want to leave him because he’s really good to me otherwise but I can’t remember the last time we’ve had sex or any sort of real intimacy. We don’t cuddle and barely kiss each other. I feel like we are just best friends not lovers.

I’m about to have our second baby in a few weeks and I really can’t recall the last time we had sex. It must have been three months ago? I was actually shocked that I got pregnant in the first place because we only did it twice the entire month.

I’ve talked to him so much about this and almost plead to him about how I really want us to have sex more often or go on dates and he gets excited about it for a day or two and then it’s back to the same thing. He either rather play video games, lay on the couch and be on his phone, hang out with his friends whenever we have down time for our toddler. In the past I would jump him so we could have sex but I’m so tired of being the only initiator! I desperately want to feel close to him but it seems like it will last for a second after insisting that we work on it and then it’s back to nothing. I can’t believe I’m in a sexless marriage. When we were dating I had to beat him off with a stick and now this. I know that he watches porn when we aren’t having sex because in the past he told me when it’s been a while he’ll get into watching it. It made me so angry because he chooses that over being with me some times. Like wtf? I’m not anti him watching it at all but wow that hurts. I’ve asked him if he’s not attracted to me anymore and he’s said definitely it’s not that. I don’t get what’s going on with him.

We have even got to the point to plan it in our schedule but it just seems ridiculous, not sexy and it just never happens. My husband has a tendency to always talk things up and make it seem like things will be great but then there are no results on his end, this goes with many things like his fad dieting and stuff like that. He doesn’t stick to it but ramps it up like things will be great!

This is not the first relationship he’s been in that has ended up being sexless. He told me about his last long relationship and pretty much blamed t on her. I’m tired of feeling unattractive because my husband doesn’t want me. I’ve never felt this way in any relationship I’ve ever been in.

This sucks because he really is my best friend. I love him, he’s a great man in so many ways, and an amazing father to our son. I don’t know what to do.

I just want to have sex and feel attractive so cheating lingers in my mind but I would never want to ruin our marriage like that.

I feel like going to counseling will result in the same temporary results, so any other advice please.

(Btw this has started to get worst since we got married and before I got pregnant with our first and now it’s just bad)