No one prepared me....


It was our first baby together. We only tried two months and were lysol to get pregnant so soon. We found out on February 21st. At 8 weeks and 2 days on March 26th we saw the baby for the first time. Good heartbeat too. Two short weeks later at 10 weeks and 2 days on April 9th I had spotting. Which turned into red blood. We went to the ER. Spend 5 hours waiting. They couldnt find a heartbeat. Two days later on April 11th I saw my OB. We discussed doing this at home or a D&C. I opted to do this at home. I went home with the Cytotec and pain killers. 4 hours in I had the worst pain imaginable. So much worse than "expected period pains" as they put it. Pain killers they gave me did nothing. I was in a ball in tears. I couldnt move, I've never experienced this pain before. Not even on my worst period, and I have excruciating periods. No one prepared me to feel the baby come out. I didnt expect that. To feel the beautiful child we created and were so excited for leave my body. I bled after that for 7 more days. And with a few more clots here and there. They gave me 2 weeks off work. When I went back, I was appalled at the people I work with. I was accused of not being pregnant in the first place. Or judged for telling too soon. They informed others I worked with, that I had just quit showing up. I recieved calls and emails about coming into work, despite being on work release by HR. Not one of them that I had worked woth through the short of my pregnancy said anything. Not even a look. I returned to my regular shift and this is my second day. The ones I work with regularly simply looked at me and gave me a hug, they knew me being back was not a good sign. They are utterly supportive and keep my mental state in mind before discussing pregnancy or their own children. I appreciate these people so much. I follow up with my OB on Thursday. It's been 2 weeks since the miscarriage. I no longer feel pregnant. I miss it. Very much. It would be a lie to say that I was sure I want to try again. I dont want to be scared of this happening again.