Potty Training Celebration!

ashbash4 • Mommy to Carl and Cora; LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE; fuck what anyone says

Wishing all the 3 year olds (or almost 3) a happy Easter! Our little family is so happy we have a fully potty trained almost 3 year old!! (4-29-16)

Ladies, this was a rough one for me! We introduced potty training about 4 months ago and he just wasn’t having it. Mess after mess and no interest. The first week of March we started again and peeing was perfect, no messes no accidents. Poop was a whole other story. Kicking, screaming, crying, etc every time we sat him down on the toilet when he had to poop. He just didn’t want to. He asked for his diapers and ran and hid under the table.

Fast forward to this weekend, and we are on day 6 with NO poop accidents, and he is even telling me “mom I need to poop” and he starts heading for the bathroom! Such a relief ladies..

for anyone struggling with this, hold on tight!! It gets better!! (Coming from a 9 month pregnant mom who was about 1 inch away from shaving her head like Britney to keep her sanity 😉)