FTM birth - not as planned but so worth it!


Throughout my pregnancy mostly everything had gone well! I only really suffered from some heartburn and that was about it. I finished work at 38 + 3 due to the school holidays (as I work in a school) and was soon desperate for our baby boy to arrive due to him measuring big and also just wanting to meet him!

I had a membrane sweep at 40+ 2 on Thursday 18th and it definitely did something as I started getting some cramping. I sat on a ball for maybe 2 hours and then tried to go to sleep! After about 30 minutes of being asleep, I turned over and felt a small pop, followed by another and some leaking. I just about made it to the toilet when a lot more water gushed out! Almost immediately my contractions started whilst more water continuously rushed out (I never thought just how much there would be for some reason!) I called the hospital and they said to pop in in a few hours to test the water but if the pains increased to time them and call again. I began timing my contractions and within half an hour or so they were every 3 minutes lasting for about 45 seconds to 1 minute. We got to the hospital for about half 5 where we were checked and we were at a 1! Because the waters had broken, they were contemplating starting me off using Propess but when they timed the contractions they were coming to regularly and it could have caused more issues. Instead they let me get in a pool where I stayed until about 12 at which point they checked me again and I was a... 2! 😬 I went home, bounced on the ball, took another bath, did a bit of walking and when they were even closer, I went back in at 6ish. Examined - 3cm. At this point the contractions were constant, with no break in between and I ended up throwing up everywhere. I was given some gas and air and was kept in so they could start me on a hormone drip to speed things up as my waters had been broken for a while. I’m told now there were so bad because baby was back to back and my waters had broken.

I was begging for an epidural but had to be moved to a different ward which was full. They finally moved me at about 11 and I got the epidural at 12 ish, it massively massively helped. I had always thought a water birth would be great but was under no illusions about switching my birth plan where needed!

This epidural stopped working within about 2 hours so they put another one in about 4 hours later. This then stopped working but I was then at a 10 so they said to wait a while before pushing as baby’s head was in the wrong position . So I did this and then we pushed! Didn’t work, and baby was losing blood! At this point I’ve been labouring intensely for 44 hours ish with two epidurals that didn’t work 😂. They said we needed to try forceps and if that didn’t work it would be a c-section. I could hear little ones heartbeat all over the place so we knew it was the best thing to do! Finally arrived in theatre, where they put a spinal tap in - oddest sensation ever! During the first try to move him with forceps, his heartbeat crashed to the point they couldn’t pick it up and I could see panic stations. They performed a c-section so quickly and I heard the biggest cry! But about 1/2 minutes after o started feeling really drowsy and sick, and I heard them say I’d lost about 2.5 litres of blood. I then threw up bile everywhere. I was quickly stitched up and the drs had managed to salvage and clean my own blood which they put back into my system. I was completely out of it for a long time and couldn’t remember what my own son looked like. The speed with which they worked to save both our lives is amazing - everyone is absolutely amazing!

I’ve now had to have another transfusion and I am still in the high dependency unit for recovery but me and little one are getting there! Hoping to be out soon but this face is all worth it 💙💙

Sorry it was so long! My little - not so little - 8lb 13oz baby. Mum and dad both so in love :)