

My story is a bit long....

I started having contractions Saturday 4/13 at about 10 pm. Somewhat consistently 5-7 minutes apart but not painful at all. Sunday I got on the trampoline with my sisters, hoping things would pick up. For the next 3 days nothing changed but the contractions continued through Wednesday night when they stopped for the first time which was a nice relief but also discouraging...

Thursday morning I woke up to them painful (3/10) and about 5-7 minutes apart... Obviously knew it wasn't time yet so I just let them progress. About 6:30 they had picked up and I got my husband and we went to l&d!

Here's where things got rough...

I still felt pretty great but the back labor was rough. They waited till shift change to check me and when they did they said I was 2 cm (which was no change from Tuesday but I had hope). They let me labor on the monitor for a while and checked again and she told me I was a 4! She waited for my OB to get out of surgery and finally 3 hours later I was admitted. 6 hours in my OB came in to do her own check... Apparently I was only a 1... You can imagine my devastation... apparently my cervix was so far back that they had measured the back of my vagina (what!?) Since I was already admitted, IV going, they decided to let me stay and attempt some spinning baby things to see if that helped move things along...

About 2:30 am they do another check and I'm barely 2... They decided to give me morphine and have me sleep since I'd been in prodromal labor for 4 days. The pain and exhaustion could have been contributing to me not progressing.

Only slept 40 minutes before contractions become what I thought was bad. Tried sleeping between each.

Around 7 they had me get in the bath and 9:30 my OB came in, did another check, and nothing... I began hyperventilating and balling as I'm exhausted, in pain, and being sent home was the last thing I wanted. They gave me Ambien and Phenigrin to help me sleep more and control the nausea (which became full blown vomitting due to the hyperventilating and the bath overheating me).

We get home and the Ambien let me sleep about an hour before I couldn't sleep through the contractions anymore...

6 pm, Friday, we go back in as they were what I would have called unbearable (looking back it got much worse). Still a 2 when I get there and a 2 an hour later so they sent me home with another Ambien.

Again, the Ambien only gives me a tiny break and we're back to full blown 5 minutes apart contractions and vomitting so I get in my bath and sit criss cross hoping it helps baby get in the right spot. I can't remember how long I was in there but I know they became closer and more painful.

By the time I get out they're 1 and a half minutes long and 2 minutes or less apart and they were truly unbearable!!

In fear of getting sent home I tried to just suck it up but 11 ish I just said we need to go and my husband told me to be prepared to be sent home.

11:15pm we get to L&D and I collapse in pain in the doors and had to get wheeled back. My nurse was amazing and everything from there was quick! She had me checked in under 3 minutes from getting there and I was a 5 practically 6!! Finally!! I don't have to leave!!

By 12:30 I had my IV, epidural, and finally some relief! She did another check and I was already 7.5! She got me positioned and I finally got a little rest (not that I could with my mom and husband too excited and not shutting up 😂).

She checked me again at around 2 am and I was 9.5, water sack buldging and baby trying to move down. Said if my water didn't break on it's own by 3 she would call my OB.

Now side note... My nurse is this super sweet Russian woman that was so excited for me to have my baby!

3 am she comes in and water still hasn't broken so she calls my OB and comes back to tell me "if he sounds worried don't worry. I made it sound urgent because I want you to have your baby before my shift is over!" 😍

After they break my water they let baby labor down some more and around 5:30 I called my nurse because my right side was hurting. She checks me in the process of rolling me over and HE'S CROWNING!!

By 5:40 they have me pushing (thank God for my epidural. Felt absolutely nothing which was nice for the episiotomy)

After 27 minutes of pushing, I just finish a round of pushing and was taking a break when my mom goes "he's coming!!" And my OB barely catches him! Little man wanted out right NOW!

Meet Holden Hayes. Born 4/20/19 (one day early) at 6:08 am! 7 lbs 15 oz, 21 inches.

Another side note (nurses are amazing!) The nurse that had to discharge me Friday morning and sent me home Friday night caught my husband in the hall this morning and told him "I know it wasn't my business but since I was off yesterday I called to see if you guys had your baby yet! I felt so bad sending her home and I'm sure she doesn't want to see me right now!" And then she personally apologized to me upon discharge! I felt bad that she felt so bad! Obviously wasn't her fault!! Our nurses really do care about us!!