Rough patch

So me and my husband have hit a little rough patch. We have been bickering and arguing alll week. So I'm just exaughsted by it by now. I just asked him what does he want from me like what is wrong? Of course he said nothing and I got annoyed and told him it was obviously something. He then said its because I absolutely hate myself and put myself down. Which I will admit I do and I have taken therapy for it. I was bullied in school most of my life and it got really bad. It just always made me look at myself in a negative way. I'm never skinny or pretty enough. I've always been told I'm built like a dude. I have wide shoulders, barely any boobs, and no ass. I'm really judgemental and I think thats why. I tend to write people off because I assume they will just not like me. He's tired of it I guess.... in my 24 years of life I really think I'm just a no good piece of shit but he chose to love me. I just don't know why. I want to get over this but I really don't know how. I look in the mirror and I see an ugly overweight excuse of a human being.