Please tell me your thoughts. (Husband and my family)

Soo my family had given my husband and I a couch (Husbands dad is moving over to our state so we are keeping it for him) We kept asking my parents if they want it or not and they said no. My husband got his tattoo today so he couldn't get pick it up from my Nana's house but he let my family use his ute so they can get it. Anyway, my parents come over from picking up the couch and they had said to us 'We are gonna keep this couch and we are going to put our old one in your shed' (we live next door to each other). My husband is very angry as he thinks this is called Indian giving. He's upset because there wasn't any respect. There wasn't any asking if they could keep it. They just told us that they are keeping it until they get a new one. Now my husband has told them they can keep it and we will buy a new couch for my husbands dad. My family see nothing wrong with what they have done. What are your thoughts? Does my husband have a right to be angry?