Advice please!


So my daughter is due in July. I didnt even know where to post this so im.posting here. As we get closer to our due date I get more nervous on how things will go. I have 2 step kids that live with us and I have a son. After the baby is born I would like JUST my son to be able to come and meet his little sister. I've been with my boyfriend since my step kids were 1 and 2(now 5 and 6). But I just strongly feel like that my son(6 yo) should have a moment to himself to meet and enjoy his sister before anyone else. But is that wrong? I feel like theyve already gotten that and have that sister and brother bond together and I want my son to be able to have that. I already know it would cause a lot of drama with his family tho. Probably with my boyfriend too!!! Its just how I feel and I want that special moment set aside for my son first. Am I being selfish?