Not sure what to do !?

So I work at my old high school. It’s very small with only about 500 students total. Anyway I’m only part time and work as a TA. There was a teacher there that was fired last year due to sexual harassment allegations, and when I heard I was completely shocked.

He had been a teacher there since before I was a student and he was always so uptight and professional. He had a reputation for being one of the strictest and “by the book” teachers there. He didn’t mess around and definitely didn’t like to be friendly with the students like some other teachers might. He was always strictly business. But of course I’m not one to doubt victims as I think we owe it to them to believe their story and support them. I didn’t know who the “victim” was until recently.

So heres the thing. I TA for one of her classes. She does come off as a bit stuck up and like she’s used to getting what she wants. I’m only 20 so 2 years older than her which I think is why she might’ve assumed I was “cool” to talk about the situation in front of.

Anyway they were in the teachers class during lunch as they usually do since she’s a teachers favorite. When the teacher stepped out someone brought up the old teacher and she said “fuck him that’s why I accused him of harassment”. They turned around and asked if I had had him as a teacher and I responded yes. They asked me if I liked him, and I said no he was a hard ass, he was the only teacher I never got an A in. And she said “exactly he was failing me, that’s why I don’t feel bad about lying”.

I didn’t know what to say so I smiled and turned around.

No one else was around to hear besides her two close friends that I’m sure already knew. And the investigation is over, he’s fired, and I’m sure he’s not a teacher anymore for obvious reasons.

I feel like I need to tell someone she admitted to lying but I have no proof? And there was no one else to hear. I feel so bad for that teacher . I felt like something was fishy about the situation as I said before. And I know a couple other staff members that were doubtful of the allegations but I know during this time they can’t take allegations lightly and people are doing their best to believe victims of sexual harassment with the whole “me too” movement. Which is great I think they should. But what about in cases like this? They fired an innocent man and now I don’t think there’s even anything I can do about it