What the hell?!?! My health visitor just had me in tears


So I'm a first time mum and totally clueless so to say the very least I'm "winging" parenting... so my little one has been really good with finger foods he would ear biscuits and puffs really well,until recently... you would put the puff in his hand and he would just bang it against the tray of his high chair then throw it away I tried to mix it up and offer him toast cut into sticks- the same thing... so my health visitor came yesterday and said asked how is weaning going I said he's doing reallt well I give him porridge in the morning a cow and gate jar or whatever I pick out the cupboard (spag bol,beef casserole etc) followed by a jar of pureed fruit...i was buzzing that my little pudding was enjoying real food (albeit baby food from a jar) and slowly starting to eat larger portions, ok he is off his snacks at the moment for some strange reason but I put it down to a phase but then she had a look in her eye and said at 7 months he should be feeding himself- I only started weaning at 6 months as-per NHS guidelines-...you shouldn't be spoon feeding him I said wait a minute so you want a baby to learn to feed himself in 5 weeks to which she replied with "ideally"....I bawled my eyes out when she left... my little one has only.just learned to roll over and hasn't got a single tooth yet... and he's now expected to be feeding himself... I'm trying, I offer him finger foods he just chucks them I can't force him I've even started offering him the spoon my white walls are now a funny colour... am I doing something wrong and totally missing something. Or should I just ignore her and continue with what I'm doing... British mummies- I'm in no way slagging of the NHS but this health visitor made me feel crap (She's not my usual she was a stand in)....