Idk what to do


My husband and I have been arguing for weeks and now it’s to the point where if we argue I just want to pull my hair out. Last night I had school and it’s a little stressful and I told him about it he said it’s just a waist of my time it’s not like this career is going to go anywhere. I want to be a teacher. After telling him that I need more support he just went back to his game. When he came in the living room I put on a movie that I fell asleep to one time and he told me that it use to be fun watching movies with you. I ran up stairs crying with out word of what he said. As a wife and new mom witch I can’t do anything by myself because all my husband does is play his game so I won’t let him watch my son through out the day so he sorta uses his game to get him out of stuff. But anyway idk what to do my emotions are a reck and just after he said what he said about tv is just made me feel our marriage isn’t going anywhere. I’m afraid of telling him we need a break just to make sure we r okay for my sons sake. But I will be honest I love my husband more then anything but I just don’t feel happy about a lot of stuff.