Feeling shitty 😪

Boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. I’m currently 5 months pregnant with our second baby. My boyfriend now owns two businesses which he manages and operates himself, on top of a paper route job every morning 4AM-6AM. He’s busy 24-7 and stressed which is completely understandable. I initiated sex like night because we haven’t had sex in probably 2 months due to his schedule being so crazy. He seemed like he was kinda into it, but wasn’t able to finish. I know it doesn’t sound like a huge deal but to me it is because this has never happened, especially after us going that long without sex. Shouldn’t he have been able to cum right away since it’s been so long? I’m not sure if it’s the hormones or what, but my mind is totally racing and I cried all last night thinking I’m not good enough for him anymore. Please help.... any thoughts/opinions? Am I over reacting?