I almost gave up..

Sh`Mira • Mother of two 🤞🏽 Mother of two angel babies. 👼🏾👼🏾

I don’t know who all remember but I made a post about breastfeeding. Well after that post a few of my son’s doctors really discouraged me. By claiming i wasn’t feeding him enough and they wanted to supplement him with formula because he was “losing too much weight.” They made me feel like I’m a bad mom made me cry and have a really bad anxiety attack.. It was horrible. My lactation consultant came and dug into his files and saw that someone missed a weigh in on him and that he wasn’t losing as much weight as they said he was. We left the hospital he weighed 5.15 pounds and the next day he was 6.03 pounds.. I wasn’t against supplementing formula it’s just how they said it to me.. i swear i almost gave up. After the constant talks and me pumping more often.. I’m happy to say that i didn’t give up. I started a stash and I’m pretty proud of it. My son eats like a champ and is gaining weight. It’s a slow process but I hope i never feel like that again.