VBAC past 40 weeks


Hi everyone! I am currently 22 weeks with my baby girl. I talked to my doctor about having a vaginal birth this time and he was on board with it.

Now with my son i had a c-section because the doctor told me that my son was measuring big (over 10lbs)and that his head would come out fine but his shoulders would get stuck. After asking what he thiugh was safest, he said a c-section.

My son ended up being 8lbs 12oz. I was 40+2 when i had the c-section.

I'm nervous about having another c-section and trying to get all the info i can this time around. My doctor said if i haven't had my baby by 39weeks then he starts worrying. But has anyone had a successful VBCA after 40 weeks and does it add more risk after 40weeks?

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Hi! So I had a successful vbac at 40 plus 3. My doctor was fine with me going to 41 weeks and she said she would possibly consider letting me go to 42. Find a doctor that completely supports you and dont let them put q time limit on you! Both of my babies were right over 8 lbs.


Erin • Apr 29, 2019
Yes I had to explain it to my husband too, but thankfully he understood pretty quickly and was on board. You can do it!


Andrea • Apr 29, 2019
Woow! I'm super nervous but so ready to fight for what i want if i need to. And yes! I'm trying to tell my husband how we could benefit in having a doula.


Erin • Apr 25, 2019
For sure! I had to fight for my vbac. I had to travel 5 hours away and stay with my aunt and uncle for a month. It's hard but find a provider that respects everything you want. Also if you can,get a doula!


Posted at
Your doctor does not sound like he is actually VBAC supportive (more like VBAC tolerant). He pushed you to have a c section because he estimated your baby to be big, and he was wrong. And now he’s suggesting you shouldn’t go past 39 weeks? I would def be looking for a different doctor.


Posted at
I had a successful vbac at 40+4. They were concerned she was going to be on the bigger side (my first was 9.6lbs - my c-section wasn’t because he was big but he went into distress after 15hrs of labour). My little one ended up being 8.1lbs. I did my research and was very sure I wanted to attempt a vbac (I also had a very supportive doctor, which helped). Good luck.