This is a first.

Hey, lovelies :-) So, this is not my first pregnancy, but definitely my first community.

I currently have 3 children, ages 11, 9, and 4. I'm expecting my 4th, and just like the others - SURPRISE!!!

This one's a little diffent, and a bit scary if i must say.

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with a benign liver tumor - hepatic adenoma. This tumor is caused by the consumption of birth control pills. It's made "worse" [i guess] by hormones. And as we know, a pregnancy is "purely hormones" ...

I was put on the perigard [non hormonal IUD] for a few months; got two of them, and my body rejected both. So, the only other options with intercourse would be withdrawal or condoms. We didn't get pregnant for over a year [maybe 2] after the last one was removed. When they were removed, i asked my doctor for a hysterectomy or even a tubal ligation, which she basically shut down because i was "too young." I'm currenly 31, BTW. I was confused since she said if i were to get pregnant, it'd be a high risk.

And so, here we are, and the reason why it's a bit scary. I've been looking forward to another pregnancy for a while now, but i knew that there were risks [dangers] associated with it.

I'm only 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant. My 1st sonogram, and next follow-up isn't until the 15th of May. I will be seeing a resident on that day, and I believe that we will discuss the steps to follow and the risks we'll be faced with along the way.

Have any of you experience anything like this? Or are familiar with something similar ...?