4 days.. it’s getting REAL 🌈 (UPDATE! SHES HERE/more pics and a name! 💜)

Brooke • 11 and 3 yr old boys💙 ectopic 11-24-17 and miscarriage 3-26-18 of my twin angels ❤️ my 🌈 girl finally came 4/29/19! My heart is complete

This is from today 35 weeks 6 days. On Monday (April 29th) we well have an elective csection to deliver our baby girl due to cholestasis. Original due date was May 24th, but she hasn’t done well on the NSTs and I’m so ready for her to be safe outside of me. I’m sad my pregnancy/bump is gonna be gone. And she won’t be attached to me anymore 😢 but her chances are much better out than in at this point.. please pray for us that she has either a minimal nicu stay! I got first of 2 steroid shots for her lungs today and it’s becoming SO REAL. So many emotions 🥰😭😱😘

This is my rainbow baby girl after two miscarriages last year 🌈💜

UPDATE: thanks so much for the prayers and love ladies it means so much to me! Xoxo 😘

She surprisingly passed her last NST on Friday with flying colors so we are now left to enjoy this weekend with family before she comes Monday! 2 more days!! 😱😱

I’ll update Monday afternoon with pics and how we’re doing!! 🥰😍

My last bump pic from today!! 36+2 So many feelings today 😭😢

Update: WERE HERE! it’s surreal. A baby was born in the room next door as soon as we got here, so that was cute remembering what a newborn cry was like lol ❤️ updates coming soon!

She has graced us with her presence. No name yet but we are so in love. I cried as soon as I got in the OR, it all just seemed to hit me at once. But she came out screaming and then I cried again! A Perfect 5lbs 12 oz baby girl.

She officially has a name! Arianna JoLyn Grove. Same middle as her mommy! Her brothers came to meet her, and they were so in love! My almost 4 year old didn’t wanna leave without his sister lol! She’s nursing/latching well and she’s been in room with us all day! Having a baby is such a blessing but honestly having a RAINBOW 🌈 baby is a totally different feeling of blessed. She is an absolute dream come true. THANK YOU GUYS FOR STAYING TUNED AND PRAYING FOR US!! So much love xoxo 😚 😘

Little big brother holding sis for the first time!

Big big brother holding his sister for the first time!

Perfection in my arms 💕