Anxieties 6 weeks

I believe in God, and today I feel like I was given a sign, no matter how small. I woke up last night after having an anxiety attack in my sleep, because I’m really bad at reading stuff on the internet that I shouldn’t be reading. I have no severe symptoms, no cramping, bleeding, or spotting.. but I still panic. It was so bad that I couldn’t sleep at all, and I already have trouble sleeping as it is, because I need to use the bathroom every hour. Anyways, while I was getting ready for work I was putting stuff in my backpack when I pull out a small card that shows a beautiful painting of Jesus that says “trust in Jesus Christ.” I held it, and breathed deep, said a prayer, and my anxiety calmed down. I know he knows what’s best and I trust him to take care of my little Blueberry. Every time I have anxiety or a nightmare, in my dreams anyways, the baby always turns out fine. I know I’ll be okay. I trust in Jesus Christ.