3D/4D Ultrasound Issue!

Cassandra • 23|texas|wifey|momma to a baby girl! 🥰❤️

A while back my MIL and FIL offered to pay for the 3D/4D ultrasound. So today I was showing my MIL the dates and times that we could go so she called my FIL to make sure he wouldn’t have to work or anything those days and he said that he’s not going because I would just want all these people there. I told my MIL that it’s not fair that just they would get to go and not my parents or siblings even if they are paying for it. That this is my baby (my first at that) and I can have whoever I want. She said that she knows but I guess since they’re paying for it he just wants them there. So I just got mad and said how about we just don’t do it then. I know they’re excited because this is their first grandchild but I feel like they’re trying to control so many things. I don’t think they like the idea of having to share her with my parents just because of how they’ve been in the past. This isn’t my parents first grandchild either so I feel like they think that since this is their first they get to do things with her and that my parents can’t do with her. Please tell me I’m not just being crazy for getting mad. I just feel like a 3D/4D is so in depth that no one should have to miss it especially since none of us have been to one before.