Severe cramping 27 weeks

Angelia • Yee Yee Wife Special needs mom 👶🏻💙🩷🤰🏻 HIE, CP, CHD, CVI, Gtube, and Epilepsy advocate!! Ask me about parenting a special needs kiddo!

FTM question to all the experienced mom's out there!!

I've had serious cramping since 1pm (it's now 5pm 😩) and contractions. I'm not sure if Braxton Hicks or true contractions though. This is our first and im trying to keep from freaking out. The back pain is probably the worst. I'm nice and hydrated and I've been resting in bed since the contractions and cramps came on, and started getting pelvic pressure halfway through.. Nothing (heating pad, ect) has helped so far though. I've already been to the emergency Dept in L&D for severe cramping once, and they think it might have been uterine irritability and HBP.

any other moms out there who know/experienced what this is, any advice?