I’m anti-porn. Are you?


Update 2:

I thought it was common sense to understand that the sources I provided included their own sources and citations from several area, such as medical, psychological, etc.

if you’re this concerned with the facts I have given, do your own research.


Sources: fightthenewdrug.org, enough.org.

These are generalized. I know the circumstances are not the same, but keep an open mind.

I am NOT. Religious nutt. The whole point behind this post is that you do NOT have to be religious to be against sexual exploitation.

As I figured, lots of you guys are assuming I’m preaching and that I’m insecure. These effects are REAL, and I am not the only one believing these things. You can do a simple search on Instagram and find thousands fighting against it.

Now, before anyone assumes things, I will clear some statements I am anticipating to receive.

-you don’t have to be religious to be anti-porn and pro-sex

-I don’t care what you or your spouse does in public or private, I only ask you open your mind to these realities

-I am not judging you. You can change your ways if you feel that pull to be changed.

So, to start, I am anti-porn and pro-sex. What does that mean? And why? It means that I am for connection with real humans, aka bonding, and against the terrible, vicious, violent acts that porn portrays. Why? Because I saw the effects of had on my parents marriage. Because of my dads constant viewing of porn, he cheated on my mom 16 times and they had a disgusting divorce. Because of it, my mom covered her face with a pillow while they had sex.

I am also against it because I have seen what addiction is like. Being addicted to porn is much like being addicted to drugs; it is harmful and has detrimental effects.

Some porn facts that will disgust you:

- Too much porn weakens the bond between mammals (humans)

- 88.2% of top rated porn scenes show violent and aggressive acts, 70% against women.

- On the internet, there are over 116,000 searches daily on “children pornography”

- 47% of families in the US reported that pornography is a problem in their home

- Porn consumers are more likely to have severe body image issues

- Porn consumers report less love and trust in their relationships, are more prone to separation and divorce, and often see marriage as a “constraint” (source Henline, B. H., Lamke, L. K. & Howard MD, (2007)

- The relationship between porn and sex trafficking is closely correlated

Porn and masturbation may seem empowering, but it is the complete opposite. Sex and bonding should be empowering, not the consumption through the self with the eyes and mind.

Porn is sex exploitation.

Sex is for connection, not consumption.