Lingerie ideas ladies?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I want to buy lingerie, any suggestions please? On where to buy or cuts to buy? I have a big booty and little biddies. I'm a mediom/large up top but like size 18-22 on the bottom. If you're like me with a mismatched top and bottom maybe some examples of what you've worn if your comfortable (obviously not necessarily on you, I dont want to sound like a creep asking for sexy pics) (Long explanation to follow)

I have been having a hard time with a nonexistence sex drive since my miscarriage. I've been feeling emotionally well but my body seems to be kind of iffy since the miscarriage. I'm not sure if it may be a physical manifestation of PTSD (I have it for other things and it kind of reminds me of that a little but, in a sexual sense since my other PTSD isnt sexually involved).

So weve really not had much sex at all other than ttc. I'm wanting to surprise him with something. I've never really worn lingerie so I dont know what he likes.