Large percentile baby (90th+)


On ultrasound we have consistently been 3 to 4 weeks ahead, and we went for a growth scan with the MFM specialist today (32 weeks), confirming were in the 92nd percentile. Big baby (always has scanned at 90th+). Since were in the top 10%, we are starting to discuss delivering early, at 39 weeks is the only discussions currently. Anyone else in the upper 10% deliver early? His head is the largest factor (in the 99th percentile) so I’m curious what those who have been in this same group did? We do another MFM growth ultrasound scan in 4 weeks at 36.5 weeks! (Were wondering if we got pregnant earlier than we thought)

**note that I am fully aware a lot of the scans are very incorrect, but these are the convos we’re having since were near the top so I just want to know what happened w y’all, no need to explain that it’s wrong often I already know that tehe, but it doesn’t change that these convos are getting very real**

RIP to my lady bits amirite 😅