Stress? Depression? Need to vent

Before I got pregnant I had 2 jobs, sometimes no days off, & still managed to have a social life, get myself put together & go on dates with my boyfriend. I ended up pregnant & thinks have gone so down hill for me since. I’m constantly tired & I’m almost 26 weeks, I never got my energy back. I’ve cried since my first trimester because of how tired I was, working 2 jobs was tiring but a different type from pregnancy. I probably only got myself ready like 3 times total. I now only have one job & can bearly make it through... my anxiety spiked since my pregnancy & that mixed together with my fatigue just makes me feel so shitty about myself... like it makes me miss the life I had, my energy, being able to look “pretty” having the energy to go on dates & it’s so depressing tbh & I’m not sure if these feelings are normal... I’m scared of getting PPD because of how common it is. I’m 23 yrs old, we’re currently living with my parents & when I first gave my dad the news he told him I killed him in life, at first I would hope to have a miscarriage just to make my dad happy I guess... after that my boyfriend started struggling financially, today I maybe had a hormonal tantrum, I got asked with time by my sister in law what stroller I wanted, I sent her the one I liked & today she sent me the picture of the one she got me which wasn’t the one I had told her, now I feel like I’m stuck with it cause idk how to tell her. Maybe all these are hormones but I feel like sad, depressed idk, I can’t help at times but cry