Is this abnormal?

So I don’t like leaving my 2 year old with other people. I work full time (from home), and our relatives watch him 2-3 days a week when my husband and I both work. We go on a date about every other month.. sometimes once a month. I don’t like leaving him for long periods of time, and when we do have a date, i like to try to take off a day during the week so I don’t miss out on time with my son. I like to be able to spend as much time as possible each day interacting with him, and I would actually prefer to be a stay-at-home mom. I get stressed out when I have to leave him with a sitter more than usual, and I definitely don’t want strangers watching him. I don’t want to leave him alone in the church nursery. I am very particular with who I leave my son with. My husband thinks I should “talk to someone” (meaning a counselor) about this. Apparently he thinks I have attachment issues. I personally think I’m just a little overprotective because I’ve worked in day cares and Head Start, and I just don’t trust people. Is this abnormal?

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