could she be gay?

My friend told me that this girl in one of my classes is like an extreme feminist and like pretty much hates men (lowkey sad) or whatever and like she just posted an instagram picture with the caption “i’ll steal your girl” and like ???. She’s really feminine like me but i’m wondering if like she’s just a straight girl tryna act for attention or if she’s quoting lyrics. It just got me super happy tho cause like there’s barely any bi/ gay girls in my area.

I was talking to her the other day and it felt kinda flirty ugh the tension.. and i was like nervous around her. Is she hinting that like she could be interested in girls with that caption? ah it’s so hard with feminine girls and im girly too so man this is hard. How do you tell? And yes she comments and likes all my pics and i do the same but like that’s just a thing everyone in my school does so i don’t feel special about that or anything.

update: she posted something about the very low statistics of women getting orgasms from men and talking about straight women as if she wasn’t ??