Guy that treated me badly now wants revenge

We had nothing serious but I was deff falling for him. We were fuck buddies. I would always want more. More sex more hanging out more conversations and some times it would happen but mos of the time it wouldn’t. One time he told me “we have to becareful because I’m falling in love with you.....r pussy”. I was like ...????. Okay. He joked a lot with me too. To the point it was kind of just becoming rude comments. Small insults disguised as a joke. And then it came the day we had amazing sex I mean it was just so good I think I fell in love with him that day we ended up going out the following night with friends . (Nobody knows we fuck). And in that night he started his jokes again disguised as insults. He said “babe I don’t care about you at all to be honest you’re like a spec of dust” . It crushed my heart so bad. SO BAD. I cried all night.

The next week he began calling and texting and I straight up just said I’m done I don’t want to talk anymore. ladies...the man became ENRAGED. Completely psychotic texting me saying I’m a whore, that my body is ugly, that I’m stupid and not intellectually there. I will never be successful.. just insult after insult. I didn’t know what to do. Finally the last sentence he just said “sorry” and I blocked him.

Im sorry but WHT THE FUCK is this situation. I just recently blocked from all social media and ignored him completely. I bet the silence is driving him insane and he wants a reaction. What would you do?!