While everyone is at prom

A little backstory, kinda dark not a lot of people know this about me. Junior year was extremely difficult for me I had the drugatic mother and an abusive father. Combine that with extreme untreated anxiety. I tried to overdose. Thankfully I “recovered” and began homeschooling because school was well to much for me. I also began to move around a lot staying with friends and different family members to avoid staying with my father at this time. Looking back at last year I never thought I would graduate. Not in a million years. Everyday for 18 years I was told by my parents I would be nothing. Well one year later I have a 3.8 GPA while doing an online schooling program, I’m practically raising my 2 year old sister, my boyfriend who stuck through this all with me..we are in a really bad place in our relationship..and I’m moving into my very own apartment. So while everyone was at prom I was insta stalking their beautiful pictures and crying because I wanted to be there so bad. Prom was literally my 6 year old self’s dream, and graduation is in 19 days. My grandma wants to see me walk more than anything, and my principle bought me my cap and gown and is begging me to walk. I want more than anything that once in a lifetime experience but the thought of being surrounding by all my piers and teachers the people who treated me so harshly when I was at my lowest point and then walking in front of 1,000 of their parents and loved ones.. I don’t think I can do it, and I haven’t told anyone yet. Instead I cry myself to sleep and pray that some how I can feel comfortable enough in my own skin to accept a paper that I never thought I would get in front of a bunch of people who also thought I never would. So for anyone who read this, thanks at least now I can tell myself someone knows 🙄