Is this anxiety?


I have no clue what causes my anxiety, it happens randomly! I cannot find a pattern to it because sometimes it triggers and sometimes it does not. The symptoms are shaking, getting kinda sweaty, tense jaw, kind of nauseous, acid reflux, feeling just uncomfortable like I cannot relax. Things that I have noticed that trigger these symptoms are big groups of people ( which doesn’t make sense because I am very social! I am not a shy girl so I don’t think it’s social anxiety), being in a car with people, being in a big store, in class. I first noticed the symptoms in highschool, I would get these symptoms ONLY in certain classes. I don’t know what causes it to happen. I can feel it coming on but I can never find the cause to it because it is so random! Things that help my symptoms are chewing gum, drinking some water. I also notice I get these symptoms after I eat a good amount of food. That has forced me to start eating smaller meals so it doesn’t trigger these symptoms. I also have diarrhea regularly every morning/evening or just after I have eaten a large meal. I just wish I could figure out what triggers these symptoms! I’ve never had any type of panic attack.