Natural labor and delivery! Welcome Roman💙TMI BIRTHING PICS!

Jacey • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl👶🏻🎀 and a handsome baby boy 👶🏻💙 An Angel baby 👼🏻 & TTC # 4

So a little bit of back story... at my 37 week prenatal appt. i was 2 cm and about 50%effaced and had irregular prodomal contractions for a week. Boy did that suck! Then came my 38 week appt. and I was now 3 cm and about 60% effaced so I had made a good bit of progress over the course of a week. By this point I was over being pregnant. I started to stay constantly sick, so me and my doctor decided I would be induced at exactly 39 weeks since all looked good with bubs and my body was favorable to have a successful induction. I was due May 1, 2019.

My boyfriend and I get to the hospital at 4:30 am on April 24 th, 2019 and i get checked in, along with getting my IV and fluids started. My doctors plan was to start me on pitocin and then come by and break my waters once my contractions got to about 10-15 minutes apart. Pitocin was started at 5:43 am. The contractions were light but there. My doctor then made is rounds and broke my waters to get things moving more. The contractions then began to get where I was breathing through them. At that point i was 5 cm and completely effaced. I labored and breathed through each contraction to help bubs drop lower into the birth canal with each one. All of a sudden a rush of nurses came in and had me move to my right side and put me in oxygen because baby’s heart rate dropped lower than they were comfortable with. I was 6 cm at that point. As soon as they left i felt the need to push, so my nurse checks me and I’m still 6 cm, but his head is right there. She leaves only to come back about 2-3 minutes later and I was 8 cm then she waits another minute and , BAM!, I’m 10 and complete. Ready to push. They call my doctor over, but have the on call come in just in case. They let me start to push and by the time my doctor made it across the street bubba’s head is out. That ring of fire was no joke, but I felt so much relief after his head was out! The inly thing was he had his cord wrapper around his neck once, which would explain his heart rate dropping earlier. They get his cord from his neck and with the next push his body was out at 12:24 pm. It only took two minutes for me to deliver him. I had a second degree tear that required a few internal stitches and 3-4 external, but overall not too bad for how fast he was born! From the start of pitocin to the time he was born was only a little over 7 hours. We couldn’t be more in love with the new addition to our family!

He is now 6 days old and doing so well!