All natural 8,7 pound baby! Birthstory

Ellie • The world is a weird and wonderful place!

So here is my birth story. Don’t let anyone ever tell you you can’t. this is a shortened version so not to make it too long

I live in Chile a country where the rate of c sections in the private health sector is over 90% and in the public 45%. So it was very hard to find a doctor and a midwife I could trust would respect my all natural, NO EPiDURAL desired hospital birth. Also taking into account that I moved to Chile already 7 months pregnant this was definitely a challenge. Luckily after a few disappointing consultations I found the best doctor I could ask for.

I started with contractions about three weeks before my due day, constant at night and a little painful but nothing like the real ones. They confused me a few times and got me calling my midwife to ask and she said if you can talk and walk comfortably it’s nothing. So, ok I went on with life. At my 39.2 day appointment with my doctor he said we would have to induce the next Thursday if nothing had happened that would be 40.6. He felt my cervix and did a very light massage, like a membrane sweep but very softly because he said I was already effaced. I walk home with my SO a 3km walk and got a few strong contractions on the way. Then I went to have tea with my friends and the contractions seemed to die down. At 23:30 we decided to go to bed. My SO fell straight asleep and I, well of course did not, why? Because contractions started right away. Every 10 minutes and by 1:25 they were every 7 minutes. I decided to wake up my So told him I was getting in the shower but he should get up because Ru ❤️ was on his way into the world, for real this time. I hopped in the hot shower, by this time I could bearly stand during the contractions. My SO packed the car, prepared me strawberries and juice and helped me through contractions while I timed them and called my midwife. She told me to get on my way to the hospital. So I cuddled my worried dog. Told him I loved him and that everything was gonna be fine. And got up and left the house. Walked outside the building where the car was and decided to walk a block to grab a bit of fresh air on my own. When I turned to go back to the car hubby was walking towards me with a big smile on his face and his arms open for me to run in for a hug. Which I obviously did. He held me tight and told me he loved me. He help me to the car. A contraction came and left and I jumped in with mum in the back and we were on our way. Contractions where every 4 minutes in the car. Not fun. I arrived at the hospital. Got checked in and my midwife told me I was 4cm dialeted at 2:10am. I walked to the room. Had a shower. Filled out a few forms in between contractions and walked up to the delivery room. By now I could not walk or even think between contractions. Got to the delivery room at 2:30. Check again at 3am and I was 6cm. Labored for about an hour. Where my water broke and contractions got extremely intense after that. I told hubby to get the epidural because I was suffering like hell, it’s a pain I can’t even describe, like if I was gonna break into a million pieces. Luckily Hubbies hands to press and squish and the midwifes massages on my back between contractions helped. But we’re not enough I wanted drugs (something I was totally against but I couldn’t take it anymore). The epidural guy has was gonna take half an hour so I kept laboring already in a squatting position and pushing. When the anesthesiologist arrived the midwife check me again. I was 9cm and it was 3:50. I got on the floor again because I knew it would make things progress but the pain was unbearable. Hubby was on his knees holding me while I pressed him. I said sorry in between every contraction because I felt like I was breaking his hands off. At 4:10 my midwife said ok it’s now or never. Do you want the epidural? You nearly there? I didn’t even think I just said NO I’m good I can do this. I heard the people in the room extremely surprised by my decision. So they put me in delivery position and the transition stage started I was 10cm. Although this was also extremely intense and it really felt like he biggest poop I did in my life and like if my soul was out of my body, it was actually better than the contractions alone. Because in between I was getting a break and a minute or two to breath. Something that wasn’t happening before (contractions were one on top of the other).. suddenly the doctor came in. Ru was coming I kept asking how many more pushes. Midwife laughed. And said mabye 4 but they have to be very very go ones and you can’t scream anymore. So I focused and went into the zone. Focused on pushing. Even though I wasn’t really conscious of the fact that a baby was coming from this experience I knew it was something I had to do. On the last push doctor had his whole hand in me and cut me because I was gonna tear. He did this with out any pain meds as well. It was the worst thing ever. I started screaming at him to stop cutting me. And suddenly at 4:54 baby was out! Crying and on my chest! I couldn’t believe anything, it was so surreal. I looked at hubby and said is this thing on me ours, for real? They took him to check him out and came back and told me everything was perfect. He was 3,910kg (8,7pounds) and 50cm (19,6 inches)

long. My little big baby boy.