Happy Birthday Elsie! My sweet girl came into the world at 37w2d and she's perfect!


I went to the doctor for my 37 week appt. at 9:30 on April 23, 2019. I saw the doctor around 10:20ish. He checked me and I had dialated between 2-3. Just a week prior I was 1.5cm. He said he didn't think I was in labor, but because I dilated and had contractions all weekend he wanted me to go over for observation. After an hour and a half of observation(at approximately 12:30ish) I had dialated another centimeter and they decided to admit and induce me(yay!) I was moved to the birthing suite and given an iv of both fluids and pitocin. I was then left to progress for a few hours and male phone calls to get my family in town. Derek had to leave for work from 1-3 so i was by myself when the contractions really started. They were really uncomfortable but not unbearable up to this point. Dr. Christie came to check me and broke my water at around 3:15. My mom then called me on the hospital phone(my cell phone was basically dead; I was definitely NOT prepared to have a baby today) thank God! She talked me through contractions until Derek got back. She even told me to go ahead and ask for my epidural(again THANK GOD!) And the 30 minute bolus wait began. I really didn't think I would make it. The contractions were so strong and so fast. Derek made it back and helped the through the worst of it. Shortly after 4 the anesthesiologist came in and in less than 10 minutes he had the epidural in and working. It took around 15 to 20 minutes for the full effect, but the relief started almost instantly. Belinda(my nurse) checked me around 5:30 and I was already at 9cm! Everyone showed up right at that time. Talk about perfect timing. I started to feel some pressure but no pain primarily in my left hip at around 6ish. The nurse checked me again and I was about 9.5. So she said we could do some practice pushes. We did about 10 practice pushes and she called for the doctor. I pushed from about 7:20ish until 7:44 and my sweet girl came into the world screaming. That first cry is definitely the best feeling in the world! I'm so lucky to have heard it twice in my life.

Sidenote: My forst daughter, Zoey, was in the room, involved, and extremely curious! Luckily Dr. Christie had met Zoey and experienced how intelligent and curious she was, so he let her look as Elsie was on her way into the world. I am so thankful that she was able to experience that and I know it's something she will never forget.