I had my baby boy at 34 weeks 💙



I checked into the hospital on Sunday, 4/21/2019 because I was extremely fatigued. The doctors checked my blood pressure and it was 199/107 😳 I was immediately admitted into the ER. They decided to keep me on the IV and gave me magnesium to keep me from having seizures and steroid shots to help my son’s lung development. I was put on strict bed rest, so I was also given a catheter (it hurt sooo badly). After 2 days with no improvement,the doctors decided to induce me. Every complication was worth it!! I would love to introduce my son Juwan Cameron Anderson Jr. to the world 😍 he was born 4 pounds and 5 oz at 7:58 pm on 4/24/2019. my June baby decided he wanted to be an April baby, born the day after his father 👶🏽 I had an emergency c-section due to extreme high blood pressure from preeclampsia. As much as I would’ve love to have had a vaginal delivery, The doctors said it was too dangerous because my blood pressure was too high. After delivery, I passed lots of blood clots (the size of pears) and had to have 2 blood transfusions. It may sound crazy, but I would be willing to do it all over again for my west baby boy 🥰 Congratulations to all the other (April) mommies out there 💋😘