Anyone with similar situation?


*Semi long birth story*

With my first child my water broke at about 9pm on my due date after about 2 weeks of early labor. Only a slow leak. When I arrived at the hospital they me stay even though I was only at I think 2cm? After many long hours of labor (about 20) I had only progressed to 3cm. The doctor fully broke my water to try and help it along and I was given pitocin. An hour later they check and not a lot had changed. I would not go past 4cm. They started throwing the idea of c-section to me and eventually I had to. Baby was born at 11:01pm the day after her due date making a 26 hr labor.

I plan on trying for a vbac this time around but I'm worried about the same thing happening again. I have a very small frame and my pelvic bone may just be too small to birth a baby (my daughter got stuck on it.) This may have been due to her position though because she was head down but facing upwards. Has anyone experienced this and went in to have successful vbac? Its worrying me.